Reveal Your Best Self

Seoul Clinic and Seoul Aesthetic offer best-in-class Korean beauty solutions in Hong Kong, our services including plastic surgery, dermatology treatment, medical aesthetic treatments, skincare, medical hair removal, etc. We pair powerful skincare treatments with advanced technology to solve client concerns holistically.

Reveal Your Best Self

Seoul Clinic and Seoul Aesthetic offer best-in-class Korean beauty solutions in Hong Kong, our services including plastic surgery, dermatology treatment, medical aesthetic treatments, skincare, medical hair removal, etc. We pair powerful skincare treatments with advanced technology to solve client concerns holistically.

Seoul Aesthetic

Our Vision

We offer best-in-class Korean beauty solutions in Hong Kong, and pair powerful skincare treatments with advanced technology to solve client concerns holistically.

Our Mission

We strive to be your trusted partner of aesthetic, health and wellness.
To bring health, beauty and rejuvenation to everyone.

Our Value

– Bespoke
– Education
– Quality
– Safety

What is Medical Aesthetics?

Medical Aesthetics is a scientific approach to defining the term beauty. It is data-driven and evidence-based, maximizing results, while minimizing risks. At its core it is professional and high tech, continuing to evolve with the most recent published papers and theories. A well-trained doctor must be involved throughout the process as it involves careful handling of risk. A holistic approach is necessary, diagnosing from the cellular level and even taking into account the psychiatric aspects of the client.

Modern Medical Aesthetics can be divided into 4 relevant subcategories: Skincare, Energy-based treatments, Injectables and Surgery. Skincare is closely related to lifestyle modification. As a healthy diet and exercising regularly is scientifically proven to be important for a healthy life to slow down the aging process, regular tailormade skincare treatments are the backbone to a healthy skin condition.

Energy-based treatments such as Thermage, Ultherapy, Picosecond Laser are akin to going to the dentist. Many being FDA cleared, meaning scientifically proven on efficacy, high tech devices are available in this age to day to assist in lifting, tightening, brightening and slimming portions of the body. It is important to note that only certified individuals such as doctors who have a deep understanding of anatomy handle these devices.

Each subcategory must be connected to each other when treating the client as they may complement each other. A red flag is when a provider does not have some of the 4 pillars available
or even if available, are siloed from each other. A proper establishment will provide the client with the maximum benefits among the 4 subcategories to tailor a solution to achieve the purpose of Medical Aesthetics – improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient.

Features of Korean Medical Aesthetics

Korea is at the forefront of Medical Aesthetic innovation. This is supported by figures in number of cases and the percentage of population that has undergone Medical Aesthetic procedures. Naturally, the more the cases, the higher cases for training of doctors. Doctors from all over the world come to Korea to learn the latest techniques and train their skills to practice in their home countries.

Korean Medical Aesthetics differs from other countries in the world that the treatment process is holistic, meticulous and well planned out. There is constant innovation in medical devices and due to high competition, doctors themselves continue to innovate and strive for excellence. There is no secret to Korean Medical Aesthetics. It is a highly competitive market where only those who innovate can survive. Many techniques that were created were thus called the “Korean” way and thus Korean Medical Aesthetics now has achieved its fame. Korean Medical Aesthetics has a distinct feature in that a natural look is achieved by utilizing multiple type of treatments tailored to each patient.

突破塑顏界限💫 Seoul Aesthetic #全方位醫美體驗​

你以為醫美淨係做機同打針?Seoul Aesthetic 已經為你超前部署,由醫療團隊精心設計每個細節,為你打造 360° Aesthetic Makeover 全方位醫美體驗:​

🔄 個人化全方位醫美療程​
醫生根據個人需要,無論係提升 #膚質輪廓 、#身體線條 、抑或 #強化髮質 ,為你設計全套醫美組合療程達至最佳效果​

🔄 引入全球及韓國最創新醫美產品​

🔄 24/7 內外調和養膚概念​
Seoul Aesthetic 會持續引入韓國最頂級 #家用美容儀器 以及各種最新嘅 #護膚 及 #營養補充產品 ,以內外配合嘅策略全天侯持續養膚,將你嘅耀眼光芒推向頂峰​

聯絡我們了解更多 Seoul Aesthetic 360° 全方位醫美體驗,由每個細節助你釋放真美✨

Break the Aesthetic Boundaries 💫 Experience Seoul Aesthetic`s All-Round Medical Aesthetic Services​

Think medical aesthetic is just about machines and injections? Seoul Aesthetic has gone above and beyond, with our medical team meticulously designing every detail to bring you a 360° Aesthetic Makeover:​

🔄 Comprehensive Aesthetic Treatments​
Our doctors tailor a complete set of aesthetic treatments to your individual needs, whether it`s enhancing #SkinTexture and #Contours , refining #BodyLines , or strengthening #Hair quality, to achieve the best results.​

🔄 Introducing the Most Innovative Aesthetic Products​
In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic products, new and superior formulas are born every day. We stay ahead of the curve by bringing you the most innovative and effective aesthetic solutions, ensuring you receive the cutting-edge beauty technology you deserve.

🔄 24/7 Holistic Skin Care Concept​
Seoul Aesthetic continuously introduces top-tier Korean home #SkincareDevices and the latest #SkincareProducts and nutritional #Supplements , employing a strategy of internal and external care to keep your skin glowing around the clock.​

Contact us to learn more about #SeoulAesthetic `s 360° All-Round Medical Aesthetic Experience, and let every detail help you reveal your true beauty ✨​

#360AestheticMakeover #MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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真實用家親身體驗 StemSyl X 治癒 #壓力瘡 ✨​

客人 Carmen 近幾年一直受工作壓力引致嘅壓力瘡困擾,Seoul Aesthetic 醫生為佢設計咗 StemSyl X ➕ 暗瘡針清 複合療程 解決痘痘問題。有別於美容院可能只花幾分鐘簡單解說,Carmen 力讚我哋醫生、護士同治療師成個過程都好細心解釋每一個細節,令佢更加清楚點樣護理皮膚,對療程亦更有信心。​

StemSyl X 療程結合美國矽谷研發嘅 Sylfirm X #雙波射頻 以及 醫學級 #Exosome #外泌體 ,而高能量療程點樣先唔會觸發痘痘發炎反應,原來係極需要醫生嘅 #專業判斷 :​

✅按客人痘痘位置、起初使用熱能唔太高嘅 PW 脈衝波模式去修復基底膜,治療暗瘡兼 #收細毛孔​

✅再喺唔同階段分別交替使用能量較高嘅 CW 連續波模式重建真皮層,改善 #凹凸洞 及各種疤痕​

✅300 Micron 24K #黃金微針 機頭 全為個別客人單次使用,確保衛生唔會惡化痘痘狀況​

Carmen 都非常滿意醫生親手主理嘅 StemSyl X 療程,而且覺得佢打得好仔細,無論眼底定係輪廓邊緣都有照顧到!​

馬上預約療程,透過醫生諮詢了解自己肌膚問題的成因,並讓 Seoul Aesthetic 與你攜手對抗肌膚煩惱✨​

Real User Experience: StemSyl X for #StressAcne ✨​

Carmen has been struggling with stress-induced acne for years due to work pressure. At Seoul Aesthetic, our doctors crafted a personalized treatment plan combining Stemsyl X and Acne Treatment to tackle her skin issues. Unlike typical beauty clinics that offer brief explanations, Carmen praised our doctors, nurses, and therapists for their detailed guidance, helping her understand skin care better and boosting her confidence in the treatment.​

The #StemSylX treatment combines #SylfirmX dual-wave RF with medical-grade Exosome therapy. Here’s how our high-energy treatment avoids triggering acne inflammation, thanks to our doctors’ expertise:​

✅ Using PW pulse waves with lower heat to repair the basal membrane, treat acne, and tighten #pores .​

✅ Alternating with higher-energy CW continuous wave mode at different stages to rebuild the dermis and improve #PittedScars and other scars.​

✅ 300 Micron #24Kgold #MicroNeedling tip is used individually for each client to ensure hygiene and prevent worsening acne.​

Carmen was thrilled with the meticulous care provided by our doctors during the StemSyl X treatment, ensuring even the delicate areas around her eyes and facial contours were well-treated!​

Book your treatment now and consult with our doctors to understand the root causes of your skin issues. Let #SeoulAesthetic help you combat skin troubles together✨.​

#MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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MOKO 店正式開業🎊 開業限時優惠 Ultherapy 低至四折🌟​

Seoul Aesthetic MOKO 店2月1號喺 #旺角 #新世紀廣場 正式開業喇📍,為追求真美嘅你提供多一個地點選擇,無論港島定九龍都一樣享受到我哋 Seoul Aesthetic 醫生主理嘅韓式專業醫美療程,為你提升 #膚質 #輪廓 ,散發個人獨特耀眼光芒💖​

為慶祝新店開業,我哋仲準備咗多個 MOKO 店限定優惠*:​

💉 #Juvederm 透明質酸填充劑 首次體驗價 $3,200(原價$7,490)​
💉 #Restylane 透明質酸填充劑 首次體驗價 $2,800(原價$6,490)​
⚡️ #Ultherapy V 面提拉輪廓療程(100發)四折優惠 $3,800(原價$9,600)​

馬上預約療程領取限時優惠,期待喺 Seoul Aesthetic MOKO 同你見面!​

[WhatsApp | 微信] 9696 8585​
[中環店] 中環雲咸街19-27號威信大廈UG/F​
[旺角店] 旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場2期15樓1510室​

MOKO Grand Opening 🎊 Limited-Time Ultherapy Offer at 60% Off! 🌟​

Seoul Aesthetic MOKO is officially opening on February 1st at #Mongkok #MOKO! 📍 We`re excited to offer you another convenient location for your aesthetic needs. Whether you`re on Hong Kong Island or in Kowloon, you can now enjoy our doctor-led Korean aesthetic treatments that enhance your #skin and #contour , making you shine with your unique radiance. 💖​

To celebrate our grand opening, we have exclusive MOKO offers* just for you: ​

💉 Juvederm HA Filler First Trial at $3,200 (originally $7,490) ​
💉 Restylane HA Filler First Trial at $2,800 (originally $6,490) ​
⚡ Ultherapy (100 Lines) 60% off at $3,800 (originally $9,600)​

Book your treatment now to enjoy these limited-time offers. We can`t wait to see you at #SeoulAesthetic MOKO! ​

[WhatsApp | WeChat] 9696 8585​
[Central] UG/F, Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central​
[Mongkok] Unit 1510, 15/F, Tower 2, Grand Century Place, 193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok​

#MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所​

*推廣只適用於 Seoul Aesthetic MOKO 分店及非指定醫生​
*Promotions are only available at Seoul Aesthetic MOKO and with non-designated doctors.

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真實用家親身體驗 StemSyl X 治癒 #壓力瘡 ✨​

客人 Carmen 近幾年一直受工作壓力引致嘅壓力瘡困擾,Seoul Aesthetic 醫生為佢設計咗 StemSyl X ➕ 暗瘡針清 複合療程 解決痘痘問題。有別於美容院可能只花幾分鐘簡單解說,Carmen 力讚我哋醫生、護士同治療師成個過程都好細心解釋每一個細節,令佢更加清楚點樣護理皮膚,對療程亦更有信心。​

StemSyl X 療程結合美國矽谷研發嘅 Sylfirm X #雙波射頻 以及 醫學級 #Exosome #外泌體 ,而高能量療程點樣先唔會觸發痘痘發炎反應,原來係極需要醫生嘅 #專業判斷 :​

✅按客人痘痘位置、起初使用熱能唔太高嘅 PW 脈衝波模式去修復基底膜,治療暗瘡兼 #收細毛孔​

✅再喺唔同階段分別交替使用能量較高嘅 CW 連續波模式重建真皮層,改善 #凹凸洞 及各種疤痕​

✅300 Micron 24K #黃金微針 機頭 全為個別客人單次使用,確保衛生唔會惡化痘痘狀況​

Carmen 都非常滿意醫生親手主理嘅 StemSyl X 療程,而且覺得佢打得好仔細,無論眼底定係輪廓邊緣都有照顧到!​

馬上預約療程,透過醫生諮詢了解自己肌膚問題的成因,並讓 Seoul Aesthetic 與你攜手對抗肌膚煩惱✨​

Real User Experience: StemSyl X for #StressAcne ✨​

Carmen has been struggling with stress-induced acne for years due to work pressure. At Seoul Aesthetic, our doctors crafted a personalized treatment plan combining Stemsyl X and Acne Treatment to tackle her skin issues. Unlike typical beauty clinics that offer brief explanations, Carmen praised our doctors, nurses, and therapists for their detailed guidance, helping her understand skin care better and boosting her confidence in the treatment.​

The #StemSylX treatment combines #SylfirmX dual-wave RF with medical-grade Exosome therapy. Here’s how our high-energy treatment avoids triggering acne inflammation, thanks to our doctors’ expertise:​

✅ Using PW pulse waves with lower heat to repair the basal membrane, treat acne, and tighten #pores .​

✅ Alternating with higher-energy CW continuous wave mode at different stages to rebuild the dermis and improve #PittedScars and other scars.​

✅ 300 Micron #24Kgold #MicroNeedling tip is used individually for each client to ensure hygiene and prevent worsening acne.​

Carmen was thrilled with the meticulous care provided by our doctors during the StemSyl X treatment, ensuring even the delicate areas around her eyes and facial contours were well-treated!​

Book your treatment now and consult with our doctors to understand the root causes of your skin issues. Let #SeoulAesthetic help you combat skin troubles together✨.​

#MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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MOKO 店開業倒數 9 日🗓️ 馬上領取限時優惠🌟​

Seoul Aesthetic 準備跳出中環喇!MOKO 店即將於2月1號喺 #旺角 #新世紀廣場 正式開業,為追求真美嘅你提供多一個地點選擇📍 為慶祝新店開業,我哋特別推出多個 MOKO 店限定優惠*:​

💉Juvederm 透明質酸填充劑 首次體驗價 $3,200(原價$7,490)​
💉Restylane 透明質酸填充劑 首次體驗價 $2,800(原價$6,490)​
⚡️Ultherapy V 面提拉輪廓療程 (100發) 四折優惠 $3,800(原價$9,600)​

馬上預約療程領取限時優惠,期待喺 Seoul Aesthetic MOKO 同你見面!​

9 Days Until Seoul Aesthetic MOKO Grand Opening 🗓️ Grab Your Limited-Time Offers Now! 🌟​

We are expanding beyond Central! Seoul Aesthetic MOKO will officially open on February 1st at #Mongkok #MOKO , providing you with another convenient location for your aesthetic needs.📍 To celebrate our grand opening, we’re offering exclusive MOKO promotions*:​

💉 Juvederm HA Filler First Trial at $3,200 (originally $7,490) ​
💉 Restylane HA Filler First Trial at $2,800 (originally $6,490) ​
⚡ Ultherapy (100 Lines) 60% off at $3,800 (originally $9,600)​

Secure your spot now and enjoy these fantastic deals. We can`t wait to see you at #SeoulAesthetic MOKO! 💖​

#MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所​

*推廣只適用於 Seoul Aesthetic MOKO 分店及非指定醫生​
*Promotions are only available at Seoul Aesthetic MOKO and with non-designated doctors.

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Seoul Aesthetic 榮獲 2024 #KBS N BRAND AWARDS 皮膚及整形診所大獎🏆​

KBS N BRAND AWARDS 是首個由韓國廣播公司頒發的 #品牌大獎 ,為韓國最頂尖品牌獎項,旨在表揚對韓國發展有貢獻的代表性品牌。​

Seoul Aesthetic 在競爭力、形象、消費者取向、可持續性和創新等多方面脫穎而出,為消費者帶來非凡價值,因而在皮膚及整形診所類別成功獲得大獎🎉​

這次獲獎正是我們努力的見證, 而我們的醫療團隊將會持續提升專業知識, 並與前線攜手提供系統化及優質的 #醫美服務 ,為追求真美的你解決肌膚問題並打造專屬個人美學✨​

Seoul Aesthetic Wins the 2024 KBS N BRAND AWARDS for Best Skin & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic! 🏆​

We are honored to receive this prestigious award from KBS, Korea`s first broadcaster to present such a premium brand award. This accolade recognizes top brands that contribute to Korea`s growth, enhancing pride and value.​

#SeoulAesthetic stood out in competitiveness, image, consumer preference, sustainability, and innovation, bringing exceptional value to our clients. This award is a testament to our dedication and hard work. 🎉​

Our medical team will continue to enhance their expertise and work closely with the front line to provide systematic and high-quality aesthetic services. We`re here to solve your skin concerns and craft personalized aesthetics for those who seek true beauty. ✨​

#KBSNBrandAwards #MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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齊 Join "Skin" Game 🔴🔺🟥 塑顏邀請人 1+1 友賞​

想得到精彩塑顏獎賞?唔使好似 456 咁過五關斬六將嘅,嚟 Seoul Aesthetic 簡單1️⃣步就可以獲得3️⃣重塑顏禮遇-你只需要推薦 1 位朋友體驗我哋嘅療程,仲要大家都一齊有賞!​

🎁 邀請人獎賞*"​
10% 現金回贈 (基於受薦人購買醫美療程之首單金額) ​
購買產品即享 額外 9 折 ​
即送 醫美級抗衰老面膜 及 醫美級高效保濕面膜各 1 片 ​

🎁 受邀人獎賞^"​
額外 9 折 ​
即送 醫美級抗衰老面膜 及 醫美級高效保濕面膜各 1 片

馬上邀請 Bestie 預約療程,一齊塑顏兼輕鬆獲獎賞✨​

Join the "Skin" Game 🔴🔺🟥 Referrer 1+1 Friend Treat​

Want to score amazing aesthetic rewards? No need to go through challenges like 456! At #SeoulAesthetic , just one simple step gets you triple the aesthetic benefits. All you need to do is refer a friend to experience our treatments, and both of you will be rewarded!​

🎁 Referrer Rewards:​
10% Rebate Credit on the referee`s 1st purchase treatment amount ​
10% Extra Product Discount per referral ​
Complimentary Moisture Therapy Mask & Anti-aging Therapy Mask​

🎁 Referee Rewards:​
10% Extra Discount ​
Complimentary Moisture Therapy Mask & Anti-aging Therapy Mask

Invite your bestie to book a treatment now and enjoy aesthetic rewards together! ✨​

​#MedicalAesthetic #HongKongSkinClinic #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所​

*Terms and conditions apply on the above offers, please contact visit for details.

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Seoul Clinic Medical Aesthetics


Professional Medical Devices
