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클리닉 소개 및 찾아오시는 방법



我們的熱門療程Juvelook可刺激膠原增生,重組受損的皮膚結構,自然填充。獲大量韓國醫生推介,於韓國及海外銷量極高! 我們的醫生會根據客人的情况和需求提供治療方案,以達到滿意的效果。




致電 | WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055(新客戶專線)
9696 8585(現有客戶查詢)
中環雲咸街 19-27號威信大廈UG/F

Big Hit Collagen Boosting Treatment From Korea -【JuveLook】Get rid of Acne scar!

How to deal with acne scars that makeup can’t conceal?

Our popular treatment, Juvelook, can help stimulate collagen production and repair damaged skin, providing a natural filling effect. Juvelook has received glowing recommendations from Korean doctors and has seen high sales both in Korea and overseas! Our doctors will personalize a treatment plan tailored to your unique situation and needs, ensuring the best possible results.

✅ Improve fine lines & pores
✅ Even acne scars
✅ Skin rejuvenation
✅ Reduce redness

No massage is needed due to the light formula and does not cause swelling easily. After the treatment, the appearance of pores and acne scars is significantly improved, and skin become smoother.

*Before and after photos are used with patient’s consent.

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#Juvelook #juvelookskinbooster #skinbooster #skincare #koreanskincare #koreanbeauty #hongkongskincare #hongkongskinclinic #medicalclinic #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty #beautytreatment #glassskin #skinclinic #koreancosmetic #skincaretreatment #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所 #Juvelook素顏針 #素顏針 #膠原增生 #凹凸洞 #暗瘡印 #acnescars

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【A Journey of Rejuvelook】 by @monicalyho
身為三個孩子媽媽的Monica直言用幾多精華和乳液都保持不了肌膚光澤和彈性 ! 直至發現我們的 “Rejuvelook” Skin Booster Cocktail後就成為了她的首選嫩膚療程 !

“Rejuvelook” 主要由兩大韓水光品牌Rejuran Healer和Juvelook調配而成,利用水光槍滲透到你的肌膚深層,能同時做到刺激膠原蛋白和彈性纖維產生來提升肌膚彈性和緊緻度,平滑暗瘡疤痕,減少皺紋,深層滋養肌膚,延緩肌膚衰老。

Seoul Aesthetic 所有專業調配針劑都由醫生主理,高效安全專業地針對改善各大肌膚問題,效果迅速明顯,很多人在治療後就能看到肌膚明顯改善。現在就開始讓 “Rejuvelook” 為你帶來彈滑飽滿的肌膚!

致電 | WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055(新客戶專線)
9696 8585(現有客戶查詢)
中環雲咸街 19-27號威信大廈UG/F

Monica, a mother of three, candidly admitted that no matter how many serums and lotions she used, she couldn’t maintain the radiance and elasticity of her skin. However, everything changed when she discovered our “Rejuvelook” Skin Booster Cocktail, which became her go-to rejuvenating treatment!

“Rejuvelook” combines two popular Korean skin booster brands, Rejuran Healer and Juvelook. It effectively stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, enhancing skin elasticity and firmness. It smooths acne scars, reduces wrinkles, deeply nourishes the skin, and slows aging.

At Seoul Aesthetic, all our professionally curated skin boosters are supervised by doctors, ensuring efficient, safe, and targeted solutions for various skin concerns. The results are rapid and noticeable, with many individuals experiencing significant improvements in their skin after treatment. Start now and let “Rejuvelook” bring you smooth and plump skin!

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#Skinboostercocktail #skinbooster #skincare #koreanskincare #koreanbeauty #hongkongskincare #hongkongskinclinic #medicalclinic #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty #dermatologist #beautytreatment #glassskin #skinclinic #koreancosmetic #skincaretreatment #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所 #收細毛孔 #深層保濕 #Rejuvelook #水光針cocktail

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新春福袋 · 美麗好運


農曆新年即將來臨,Seoul Aesthetic和你一齊迎接新年,讓你以最佳狀態示人!消費滿$3,000以上就可以超值優惠加購我們精心準備的福袋,價值高達$10,100!機會難逢,千萬不要錯過!

- DEP Exosome精華護理 + Shining Peel激光煥膚
- 修復受損肌膚,加强肌膚屏障,保濕煥亮,讓肌膚散發健康光澤!

- Exilis Ultra 360眼袋槍 + Rejuran I
- 雙重刺激膠原,改善黑眼圈,眼紋,眼部鬆弛等問題,重塑年輕明眸。

- Zero Pore + Clarity II (面部)
- 減少油脂分泌,縮細毛孔,嫩膚緊緻,讓你擁有平滑細膩肌膚。


致電 | WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055 (新客戶專線)
9696 8585 (現有客戶查詢)

Chinese New Year Lucky Bag is ready!

Promotions are valid until 29 February 2024.

Countdown to Chinese New Year... Seoul Aesthetic will celebrate with you and make you look your best! We prepared 3 amazing lucky bags! Upon any purchase of $3,000 or above, you can purchase the lucky bag below at exciting offers. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity!

🧧Bling & Moisturizing lucky bag
- Rejuvenate Exosome Ampoule with DEP + Shining Peel
- Repair damaged skin, strengthen the skin barrier, moisturize, and rejuvenate, leaving skin with a healthy glow!

🧧Eye Care lucky bag
- Exilis Ultra 360 (Eye Area) + Rejuran I
- Powerfully stimulate collagen production, improve eye problems such as dark circles and crow’s feet, and restore youthful eyes.

🧧Zero Porefection lucky bag
- Zero Pore + Clarity II (face)
- Regulate sebum secretion, shrink pores, improve skin roughness, rejuvenate and tighten skin, leaving you with soft skin.

*Each lucky bag can only be bought once
*The promotion is only applicable to non-specified doctors

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#cny #chinesenewyear #luckybag #beauty #skincare #koreanbeauty #hongkongskinclinic #medicalclinic #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty #skinclinic #koreancosmetic #faceskin #新年 #春節 #福袋 #新春福袋 #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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Ultherapy通過超聲波刺激人體自身膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的產生,能量可達到SMAS層,實現深層提拉的效果。而且Ultherapy 是唯一經 FDA認證的非侵入性手術,可提升頸部、下巴和眉毛,並改善上胸部的細紋和皺紋。效果自然,幾乎沒有恢復期。療程效果一般可維持1年,效果因人而異。

致電 l WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055 (新客戶專線)
9696 8585 (現有客戶查詢)

Ultherapy, an ideal solution to improve wrinkles, lift the skin and make your contour defined.

Ultherapy can stimulate production of your body’s own collagen and elastin and the ultrasound can reach to SMAS layer. Furthermore, Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the upper chest. The treatment provides natural-looking results and minimal downtime. Generally, the result can last 1 year, varying from individuals.

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#ultherapy #skinlifting #skincare #koreanskincare #koreanbeauty #hongkongskincare #hongkongskinclinic #medicalclinic #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty #beautytreatment #glassskin #skinclinic #beautyface #koreancosmetic #skincaretreatment #faceskin #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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只知道果酸煥膚?Shing Peel 激光煥膚和其他換膚療程不同,它是一種高效且溫和的激光煥膚技術。通過傳遞精準的激光能量,刺激膠原蛋白重塑。療程可嫩膚細緻,均匀膚色,撫平細紋。

擔心做完激光會反黑?Shining peel會釋放微光束,大大減少對周圍組織的熱損傷,令皮膚外層在療程中保持完整 。因此可以幫助避免反黑現象發生,肌膚散發透亮光澤。



致電 l WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055 (新客戶專線)
9696 8585 (現有客戶查詢)

Brighten your skin without PIH!

In addition to chemical peeling, Shining Peel should attract your attention. Shining Peel is an effective and gentle laser peeling technique. It can stimulate collagen remodeling by delivering precise amounts of laser energy to the skin. It can rejuvenate skin, shrink pores, even skin tone, and smooth fine lines.

Don’t worry about PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation) after the laser treatment. The micro laser of Shining Peel can precisely target the treatment area with minimal thermal damage to surrounding tissue. Since the outside layer of the skin is kept intact during treatment, Shining Peel decreases the chance of PIH and provides you a radiant and youthful appearance.

✅No immediate ablation of the epidermis
✅Low chance of PIH
✅Minimal downtime

Remember to avoid sun exposure after the treatment, it will help achieve a better result.

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#shiningpeel #skincare #koreanskincare #koreanbeauty #hongkongskincare #faceskin #hongkongskinclinic #medicalclinic #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty #skinclinic #beautytreatment #skinclinic #koreancosmetic #skincaretreatment #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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[HKCT得獎企業專訪 - Seoul Aesthetic最傑出醫學美容中心]

憑藉過去一年的突出表現,Seoul Aesthetic榮獲HKCT企業大獎2023 年度最傑出醫學美容中心,Seoul Aesthetic的創辦人Daniel亦接受了HKCT的專訪,在采訪中,Daniel 談到了Seoul Aesthetic 過去的成就及挑戰,以及2024年新的機遇及展望。


Seoul Aesthetic將頂尖的韓國護膚療法與先進技術結合,致力於讓愛美人士體驗到正宗的韓式醫美。Seoul Aesthetic提供專業、完善、周到的醫美服務,全面解決客戶需求。

致電 | WhatsApp | 微信
6460 5055 (新客戶專線)
9696 8585 (現有客戶查詢)

[HKCT Interview - Seoul Aesthetic: the Most Outstanding Medical Aesthetic Center Of the Year]
Seoul Aesthetic was awarded the HKCT Business Award 2023’s Most Outstanding Medical Aesthetic Center of the Year. Here’s an interview with our founder Daniel after we received this reward.
Daniel talked about Seoul Aesthetic’s achievements and challenges last year and what’s new and exciting in 2024.

Check out the full video below:

Seoul Aesthetic offer best-in-class Korean beauty solutions in Hong Kong. We are committed to enabling clients to experience authentic Korean aesthetics. We pair powerful skincare treatments with advanced technology to provide professional, complete and thoughtful services to solve client concerns holistically.

Hotline | WhatsApp | WeChat
6460 5055 (For New Customer)
9696 8585 (For Existing Customer)
Wilson House, UG/F, 19-27 Wyndham St, Central

#HKCT年度最傑出醫學美容中心大獎2023 #hkct #award #koreanbeauty
#medicalclinic #hongkongskincare #medicalbeauty #hongkongbeauty
#beautytreatment #glassskin #skinclinic #beautyface #koreancosmetic #skincaretreatment #韓式皮膚管理 #韓式醫美診所

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