
What’s PicoWay Toning?

PicoWay is a non-invasive, non-surgical anti-aging device that uses short laser pulses to treat acne scars, wrinkles and dark spots. The PicoWay Toning rejuvenates the skin by stimulating collagen, the healing mechanism in the skin. The device doesn’t need to penetrate deeply to prompt the skin to start repairing itself. After the treatment, you’ll notice an overall improvement in complexion. There is little to no downtime.

How PicoWay Toning Works

PicoWay uses ultra-fast pulses known as picoseconds to break down the pigment into the smallest particles. A picosecond is a trillionths of a second and that is very fast. This speed helps the delivery of energy to the pigmented particles. The speed of the pulses shatter even the tiniest pigmented particles, making it easier for the body to naturally clear the pigmentation. As a result, PicoWay offers better results with fewer treatments, is safe for a variety of skin types, and has little or no downtime.



The PicoWay machine features three picosecond wavelengths (1064 nm, 785 nm, and 532 nm) that treat different layers of your skin.

Thermage FLX原理


PicoWay uses a gentle approach to building new collagen and elastin in the treatment of acne scars and wrinkles.

Thermage FLX 射頻技術

Photoacoustic Effect

Ultra-short pulses enable the strong photoacoustic impact needed to effectively fracture pigment particles without overheating surrounding skin tissues.



PicoWay can be used for difficult-to-treat pigments like blue and green.


Recommended to Clients Who:

■  Want to fix the intractable freckles or pigmented lesions

■  Wish to remove tattoos and scars of different pigment

■  Want to treat different pigmentation problems at once

■  Have done pigment removal treatments but have not found the procedures effective

■  Want to relieve rosacea or blushing

■  Want to reduce the pore size or treat acne scars


10 ~ 20 min


After consultation but not a must

Recovery Time

Immediate or within 3 days

Treatment Process




Pre-treatment photo


PicoWay treatment


Skin relief and moisturization treatment




Pre-treatment photo


PicoWay treatment


Skin relief and moisturization treatment

Suggested Frequency

It is recommended to receive the PicoWay treatment every one to two weeks for five to 10 times depending on your skin condition and improvement process.

You can maximize the effect by combining with our skincare programs or skin boosters.